Monday, November 15, 2010

Dearly Departed

My family and I went to see Dearly Departed on its opening night. We arrived about forty five minutes before the show started, and we were let into the auditorium about thirty minutes to find our seat.  The auditorium seating was set up in a semicircle, and my family and I sat in the front row of the middle section. After observing the audiences I notice that it different range of ages. The age range was from eighteen to about seventy five. I also notice that some of the audiences’ members were the actor’s family and friends. When you first came into the auditorium you were treated to music. Before the play started the audience member were all taking among
themselves, about many difference things. Some of the audience member were also telling other audience member that they son, daughter, grandchild, etc was in the play and what part they play.
The play opens with the audiences listening to a lengthy but humorous letter read by his wife Raynelle, Bud suddenly keels over face first on to the kitchen table. I believe this set the audiences’ mood to be entertained throughout the play. The audience's energy helped fuel the cast's performance during opening night and the audiences really helped the actors get into character.
The audience laughed at many of the ridiculous antics and reactions of the characters, also the audience throughout the play had to use their imagination; For example the
scene where Junior and Suzanne are driving a car, we did not see a car but movement and express of the actors made you believed they were in actual car. This idea of imagination was a main theme throughout the play. The only problem that I noticed and heard from some of the audience is at some scene you could not heard some of the things the actors were saying, or
hard to hear. Most of the audience were laughing all the way through the play, and had a smile on their face when they were leaving the auditorium. My wife, daughter and I were taking about the actors’ facial express and the way they acted on stage. As we were talking about the play on the drive home we were still laughing. My Daughter real like Delightful, she told us that she nearly wet her pants laughing so much. My family and I could not stop talking about the play this entire weekend.
From all the plays that we went to, and the two plays we had read, and the one play we are reading now, had all topics that deal with real life experiences. This play took a hard topic such as death and made in fun, enjoyable, and entertaining.

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